Wednesday, June 12, 2013

BubblePod 360 Degree Rotating Smartphone Stand Helps Take Perfect Panoramic Shots

If you enjoy taking photos with your smartphone an innovative new clockwork turntable called the BubblePod might be worth a little more research.
The BubblePod has been designed to securely hold your smartphone and allow you to easily take 360 degree photographs. Watch the video after the jump to learn more about the BubblePod project and see it in action.

“The BubblePod is a clockwork turntable that grips your smartphone and then rotates it 360º. Totally smoothly, totally silently. As it does so, the BubblePix App (Available on Apple, Android and BlackBerry 10) captures an absolutely perfect 360º image. You simply rotate it once to wind it up, fire up the App and then hit the button.
As your smartphone spins our BubblePix app captures images using your smartphone’s camera and then stiches them together to make a perfect high-resolution 360º image. Really simply and with a superb ‘professional’ result every time. We call them Bubbles and you can shoot and share them in less than a minute.”
The BubblePod project is currently over on the Kickstarter website looking to raise enough pledges to make the jump from concept to production. So if you think BubblePod is something you could benefit from, visit the Kickstarter website now to make a pledge and help BubblePod become a reality.

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