Sunday, February 17, 2013

Coolest Gadgets - the ongoing search for the coolest gadget continues... Signup Via RSS Coolest Gadgets on Facebook Coolest Gadgets on Twitter Home Gadget Gift Picker Gift Guides About Subscribe to Newsletter Apple News Hi there, we are getting some strange traffic to this page. Could you please get in touch and let us know how you found us. Thanks so much. Apple News, Electronic Gadgets Russians build iPhone monument to honor Steve Jobs by Edwin There are just some personalities out there who are larger than life, and love him or hate him, the late Steve Jobs is definitely one of them, and he is a colossus among innovative minds in the US for the past two decades. In fact, news of his death was met by an outpouring of grief worldwide, and international tributes came flowing in, and the ripples of his death has yet to reach the end as there is a new monument built in Russia in honor of one of Apple’s founder. The interactive monument would be easily identifiable even to someone living in the interiors of Africa – as it comes in the form of an iPhone, albeit it is a very, very large replica. Not only that, it boasts of a fully functional display, although it does not a full fledged version of iOS running on it, it will display a slideshow that detailed select highlights of Jobs’s life, in addition to giving us a brief history of Apple as a company. This monument can be found at the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, and sports a QR code on its back that will direct you to a website dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs when scanned. Source Email to a friend Leave a comment/review Bookmark or Share Apple News, Tablets Watch an iPad Mini Strip Show by Alison Happy iPad Mini launch day! Sure the iPad Mini is cute. But the gurus at – home of repair manuals and parts for gadgets galore – want to get to the bottom of the device. So yes, they dissected an out-of-the-box unit earlier this week in their iPad Mini Teardown. View the step by step process at the video below or on their website. Continue reading » Watch an iPad Mini Strip Show Email to a friend Leave a comment/review Bookmark or Share Apple News, PC Gadgets Apple updates their Mac mini, is cheapest Mac to date

When someone says that he or she is going to pick up an Apple Mac computer, you would most probably think that said person does have a pretty full bank account to begin with. After all, Mac computers do carry the reputation (which is not that true anymore these days) that they are more expensive than their PC counterparts. For folks who want the Apple experience without the need for so much firepower, here is news for you – there is a spanking new updated Mac mini that carries with it a third generation dual-core Intel Core i5 and quad-core Intel Core i7 processors, while carrying integrated graphics which are touted to be up to 65% faster than its predecessor. The updated Mac mini will feature 4GB RAM (maximum of 16GB), a quartet of USB 3.0 ports, Thunderbolt support, HDMI output, an SDXC memory card slot, Gigabit Ethernet, and FireWire 800 ports.
All of those will be crammed into the very same compact aluminum form factor, without causing it to overheat or consume more juice than it ought to. In fact, the Mac mini is capable of meeting stringent Energy Star 5.2 requirements and achieve an EPEAT Gold rating. Sipping on just 11W of juice when idle, it has been claimed by Apple to be the “most energy efficient desktop computer in the world”. You can pick up the Mac Mini from $599 onward if you are interested, depending on the configuration.

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