Saturday, February 16, 2013

Click here to find out more! Tech The World's Smallest Wireless Router is About the Size of Your Thumb The World's Smallest Wireless Router is About the Size of Your Thumb

Tucked away amid the giant TVs and smart refrigerators of CES is Asus's minuscule WL-330NUL Pocket Router, which the company proudly touts as world's smallest Wi-Fi router.
It's a nifty little gadget with an ethernet port on one end and a USB plug on the other that's perfect for setting up a wireless network (it's 802.11b/g/n) on the go. The USB plug can connect to the wall for a power source, or you can power it with your laptop (although presumably then you could just connect your computer directly to the ethernet cable). For those with laptops that no longer feature ethernet ports, the WL-330NUL also doubles as an ethernet-to-USB adapter.
Unfortunately, pricing and availability for the device haven't yet been announced.

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