Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bottle Opening Money Clip

Show me the money! Whenever you go out drinking with your buddies, especially those whom you have not met for many, many years already, it is time to give the missus a call that you will be home extremely late – and definitely not sober, as you and your mates take turns to buy round after round of drinks for one another. Assuming you prefer to carry your money around in wads instead of tucking them into a wallet, a $69.95 Bottle Opening Money Clip does sound like a far better idea.
You can say that the Bottle Opening Money Clip is “the money clip” to own, considering how it comes with an integrated bottle opener on one end. Thanks to a tight spring mechanism and sturdy hinge, it is full well capable of maintaining a firm grip on up to 20 bills at once, and is guaranteed not to slip or loosen, even when maneuvered around a bottle cap. Will also be able to fit around the accompanying black crocodile print wallet, which holds slots for half a dozen credit cards and a generous center compartment to help you hold receipts, photos, and business cards.

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