Sunday, February 10, 2013

Not Your Standard Keyboard

How great would it be to mouse or type into thin air and see everything in front of you? Sort of like Minority Report. Rather than having a specific device to control actions or input (i.e. mouse or keyboard) it would rock to just have it all there – all the functions you need at your fingertips. That certainly may be realistic down the road. But peripherals will be necessary for the immediate future.

One creative designer decided that although a peripheral may be needed – why not make it suit more possible needs out there, while also looking like something from the future. The Luminae devices from TransluSense could potentially change how we navigate our computers. The glass Keyboard+ and Touchpad+ enable you to customize the controls you want via different overlays. Create a qwerty keyboard with 10-key pad. Or maybe you need 10-key and mouse pad. Maybe you want to use the device to both type and mouse (“Type and Swipe”). Or maybe your work requires a non-standard keyboard. You can literally have different overlays for different needs. Also choose your glowing LED color too. Built inside the Luminae units are cameras which judge when your hands break the light pattern of both visible and infrared LEDs. Based on the overlay you have on the keyboard will react. Sounds odd not to have a tactile keyboard. But it sure would be functional – and cool looking. At $500 this may not be the keyboard for everyone, but for those that are you may feel one step closer to the future.

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