Thursday, August 1, 2013

Olloclip Telephoto Lens – Makes you an iPhone Photographer!

It’s no secret how much I love to take pictures. I just got back from a weeklong vacation, and I’m sure that I mad everyone crazy with all the photography. Funny thing is, while I had my entire arsenal of picture taking equipment with me, most of the fun shots were captured with my iPhone. It’s true, I left the Nikon behind on many occasions, not wanting to lug the sucker around. That being said, some of the shots I got could have been better… much better.
Check out the brand new Olloclip Telephoto + CPL, a nifty, quick connecting lens for your iPhone or iPod Touch that gets you twice as close to the action, and fits in the palm of your hand! Perhaps conditions require you to reduce or remove glare, or maybe you’d like the blue of the ocean to really stand out. You simply need to switch sides, and the circular polarizing lens will have what you need.
Forget about missing the shot, or wishing you could have just a tiny bit more creative control, the new Olloclip Telephoto actually allows you to set depth of field, and tinker with subject focus and, this highly portable accessory can also be used with the separately purchased 3 in 1 lens that includes fisheye, macro, and wide angle options.
Sure, there are times when only a professional camera will capture the images you desire, but for fun family pics with a minimum of fuss, Olloclip can give you the extra oomph you need for spectacular pictures and still leave your hands free to get in on the fun. You can pre-order the new Olloclip Telephoto at or get 3 in 1 lenses for under 70 bucks at Say Cheese!

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